You want to earn more profits? Simply create more different packagings. If you have noticed some companies have created different packagings of their products to cater the different types of their customers.

For example, Nescafe Classic has a 300g pack, 150g pack, and a 90g pack. Customers do have a choice what packaging to pick. That would depend on the customer's affordability or able to consume over a period of time. Then Nescafe has this 3n1 packaging also. Its already complete with milk and sugar. If you want a mixed coffee in an instant just pour it at once. Another example, my favorite chip has come out with a new packaging which is resealable. If you can't consume all the chips then you can reseal it to maintain its crispiness. Another good example is the Nestea iced tea, they have this concentrated pack but when you're on the go, you can grab the bottled one which is already mixed. It's still the same iced tea but it is easier to grab a bottled one.

So think about your products. If you are offering an information product, how are you going to reach different types of customers. Not all people go online and have time to read. Think of ways how you could reach these people. Try to think of ways in which people can still avail of your product even when doing other things. Provide what is the easiest for your customers and they won't bother paying more for the most convenient one. Give them choices how they are going to use your product.

If you have an e-book, you can publish a hard bound copy of that, then have it also in CD or DVD or combine all these four making it an excellent package and that can give you more and more profits. Be creative and think of fun ways on how to make more money with different packagings.


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