There were times that people get too busy and bored of reading sales letters. Some already mastered the outline of a newsletter, some may have seen the words you used a hundred times before. So these words are not that effective anymore from the time most internet marketers use that in their sales letters.

But there were still who became successful in their business using sales letters, writing on the right track and some of the best sales are those that tell a story. Yeah, telling stories can get the attention of people. Just remember the times back you were in college. Listening to stories are more entertaining than lectures. When listening to a story you are curious to know what happened and what is the outcome, whereas in lectures, it is not that exciting that you would want to fall asleep, no matter how you battle the situation.

So when you write a sales letter, don't use the same words over and over again. It will just bore your readers. Instead use this strategy to get their attention, tell a story. It will excite them and would want to know more about your product. Telling stories is like injecting energy into your sales presentation. Selling online is very different from selling face to face. It's more difficult convincing people to buy your product and it's harder to get their trust. Telling stories somehow will gain their trust.

Consider this also, people may not need your product not interested during the time they received your letter. But you have to make sure that they would remember your letter when the times comes that they would need your offerings. Using interesting stories would make people easily recall your letter when the time comes.

So in your next sales letter, think up a great story to share. It can be about you or someone you know. It could even be one you just came across online. Whatever it is, make it relatable, and you will get a great response.


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