What is Micro-continuity by the way? Well, it is a business model which can give you an online income stream. When you are enrolled in a program which you pay in a recurring basis, say weekly,monthly or quarterly and only ends when you cancel your membership is not a micro-continuity, it's just a regular continuity program. Micro-continuity has a beginning and an end date.

So why Micro-continuity is a superior business model over other business approaches? This type of approach is applicable to all markets. You don't need to be a marketing expert to use this and for newbies, need not worry because the whole system is easy to set up, easy to implement and very simple to maintain.

Unlike in the past, you need to undergo some difficult and complicated processes to complete a product up to marketing.  You are also required to submit new content every month or so but with Micro-continuity, you can literally walk away once set up and take long breaks but still be earning a steady stream of income.

Using Micro-continuity is also the best way to recycle your old contents and create a new and a more desirable product. So if you are looking for a system that is easy to set up, can earn you more money and live the life you've been dreaming of, then Micro-continuity is the answer to that.


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