Writing Ad Copy is the most challenging part of any PPC campaign. Any online marketer are struggling to pass this stage. Plus the fact that ad costs are rising seemingly on a daily basis and conversions are getting harder to come by. Because of these, you need to make sure that you are attracting the right visitor to your landing page. So you need to work on your ad copy first.
Before you get started, keep in mind what it is that your customer wants. Be reader-centered, stop talking about your product. Make sure you have made a thorough research before you spend your hard-earned money on PPC. Focus on what it can do to your customers.
  • First thing is your headline. In writing ad copy, your headline is the most important in attracting your prospect's attention. If you are advertising on the search network, in most cases the most important thing is that the headline contains your keywords that you are bidding on in the search engines. Using the keywords in writing ad copy is also important to Google as they will see your ad as more relevant and give you a lower cost per click . Also keep in mind that your headline must be 25 characters or less. If your keyword is short enough, then be more creative in using words that will get attention. Also you can add question mark at the end of the keyword or say things like “get keyword here” or “keyword scam?” or “looking for keyword?” etc…Get creative here and test everything that you can think of.
  • Then following your headline is a description that will appeal to your customer's emotion as well as accurately represent the product.Your product offers a lot of features, but what do they DO for your customers? Do they save him time or money or give him peace of mind? If you are selling a product on how to make money online, emphasize that this product will give the lifestyle that your prospects have always wanted. If you are selling a dog training book, then do not tell them it will make them rich. You will get clicks but people will not buy from you since they are not in the mindset to purchase a product on making money. You get the idea? You should be truthful. Tell customers the benefits of your product that they have been looking for.
  • Description line 2 simply needs to be strong call to action. Using scarcity can also help here. Always remember when writing ad copy, to accurately represent your offer! We are not just trying to get clicks but qualified clicks! Putting the desired action that you want the user to complete on your landing page is also helpful here. For example: “Enter Email to Get this for Free!”. This is a call to action and also tells them what we want them to do once they end up on our landing page. Putting the price in the ad also can help to prequalify people and deter freebie seekers who might waste our money. For Example: ”This Can Be Yours for Only $35!” Notice how this is a call to action as well as specifies that a purchase is required on the landing page in order to get the benefits of your offer.


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